Meeting Tokio Hotel Cleveland, Ohio House of Blues August 9, 2015.

Check out the photos and the videos I took at the show. Click on the photos to make them larger. I am aware that they are only slightly different but I wanted to post all three. Let me know if any of them show up upside down. I had that problem earlier on mobile devices. It looked fine on my computer but when I pulled it up on my phone the photos were upside down. Not sure why. I think I fixed it but I’m not sure what the problem was in the first place so I’m not sure. It works fine on my phone now.

Me and Tokio Hotel (before the show) August 9, 2015 House of Blues Cleveland, OH L to R: Georg Listing, Tom Kaulitz, Me, Bill Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer
Me and Tokio Hotel
Me and Tokio Hotel (after the show, Tom took the photo with my cell phone) August 9, 2015 House of Blues Cleveland, OH L to R: Georg Listing, Tom Kaulitz, Me, Bill Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer
Me and Tokio Hotel (after the show) August 9, 2015 House of Blues Cleveland, OH L to R: Georg Listing, Tom Kaulitz, Me, Bill Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer

I had such an awesome time at the Tokio Hotel show. The show was great, the fans were great, and Tokio Hotel was just awesome. They are the sweetest guys. I got to meet them before and after the show. The first picture was taken before the show and the other two were taken after the show. I wish I had been allowed to bring in my actual video camera to film the show but I got a few videos with my phone that didn’t turn out too bad. Enjoy. :-)

If you go subscribe to my YouTube Channel I will love you forever. :-)

Here and here are other blog posts about Tokio Hotel.


My Guest Post on DGC-Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff “Adommy” moments.

I have mentioned Cecilia Tan and Daron’s Guitar Chronicles before. Here is the blog about it. Because Cecilia is contracted to write two novels at the same time she hasn’t had enough time to post twice a week to DGC. The solution she came up with was that she would post on Tuesdays and she would let fans post something related on Thursdays. It’s been really fun to see what the fans have come up with to post over the last 4 months. We are just about done with the fan posts and will be going back to ctan posting twice a week again. I decided to do a post about Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff. Check out my fan post by clicking the link below.

My fan post on Daron’s Guitar Chronicles.

If you are interested in reading DGC the link below is where to  start.

Daron’s Guitar Chronicles-Start Here.

Thank you for checking it out.


Learning German and free college.

Due to my obsession with Tokio Hotel, I have been learning German. I have been using Duolingo, Pimsleur, and Rosetta Stone, as well as song lyrics (of course) and watching videos on YouTube.

If you want to learn a new language I highly recommend Duolingo, which is free. They have a website and an app you can use. I recommend using the website for learning new skills and the app for practice. You can use just the app (or just the website) but the website has more detailed information to help you learn that the app doesn’t have. Duolingo has gamified the learning process which makes it fun and helps you to stay motivated. Duolingo has really helped with my reading comprehension. Pimsleur, which is all audio based, has helped with my listening and speaking skills. I haven’t used Rosetta Stone enough to have formed an opinion on it (I have only spent about 5 hours on RS so far) but I can say Rosetta Stone doesn’t really have anything going to keep you motivated to do it. I would say start off with Duolingo and add Pimsleur after you have learned a bit of the vocabulary. Pimsleur recommends you use their software without knowing how to read anything in the language you are trying to learn but for the way I learn I’m happy my reading comprehension was pretty good, at least for the basic vocabulary, before I started Pimsleur. I plan on doing a review comparing all three of these when I finish them. Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone let you try out their software on their websites to see if you like it before you buy it and Duolingo is completely free to use.

Now on to free college. Germany now offers free college to everyone, including international students. And there are some degrees taught completely in English. Check out these videos.

The video below is by one of the YouTubers I watch to help me learn German. The video is in English.

And here is the link he talks about for looking up classes in English. DAAD

Here is another YouTuber I like for learning German. In the next two videos she describes how to make some of the sounds that the German language has that English doesn’t. I’m still working on my pronunciation for the R sounds.
